Any of our custom wood signs can all be paired up in multiple ways with smaller Legacy Plaques for Kids' Names, Pets' Names, and Addresses...Use your imagination. They arrive complete with solid brass hooks and eyes installed ((may also include short brass chain to allow for parallel suspension depending on the host sign configuration), so the host sign and name hangers are pre-balanced.
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Image of a Double Heart address or legacy hanger sign HEARTS CUSTOM WOOD SIGN

This custom made wood sign is personalized for sweethearts. Perfect for 5th Year Anniversaries, Valentines, anytime!

Smallest Size as low as $99.00
Image of our custom wood Dog Legacy Sign for below your family name sign DOG LEGACY CUSTOM WOOD SIGN

Our dog bone custom wood sign for your dog's name hanging with family names suspended below the Family Name Sign

Our Price: $59.00

Custom wood sign fish legacy name sign hanger CUSTOM WOOD SIGN | FISH LEGACY

Our fish legacy name sign plaques are carved into Western Red Cedar. They love to be outdoors and using the finish refresher and cedar treatment once a year will keep them beautiful for a long time. Custom personalized wood signs for 60 years

Our Price: $69.00

Carved wooden sign Legacy Plaques for Family Names and Kids names as hangers below host signs CUSTOM MADE WOOD SIGN | LEGACY

This is the Kid's Names Legacy Plaque, although it could be used any way you want. Address Numbers, Directions, Suite Number, etc. For instance, they can be suspended below our Family Name and Address Signs or stand alone as a small carved sign for individual rooms. We carve your custom personalization into Western Red Cedar...they will"Gracefully Weather a Lifetime"! ™

Our Price: $59.00

This photo is our custom wood sign legacy sign for your cat's name CAT LEGACY CUSTOM WOOD SIGN

Our cat legacy hanger is suspended below a featured sign for the family names - including the CAT! They arrive with brass hooks and eyes installed

Our Price: $59.00

This custom wood sign is our10" Log Slice Legacy plaque CARVED WOOD SIGN | LOG SLICE LEGACY

Our Log Slice Legacy sign is 4" X 10" to provide more room. Many folks like to use this rustic format custom wood sign for purposes other than a Legacy Hanger.

Our Price: $59.00